Kiss of the Serpent & Dragon
Our body holds two aspects, yin and yang. When we unite these aspects within our selves there’s a deeper level of co-operation, progress, productivity, clarity, cohesion and flow as we are less governed by conflict and fear and work more from a place of joy, grace & soul confidence.
On the 29th of Jan 2025, we begin the New Moon Lunar Cycle, ending the year of the Dragon and beginning the year of the Serpent.
This Dark Moon is a powerful vortex for alchemy, magic and healing as we yield the energies and frequencies to set intensions and activate the medicine of the Ouroboros!
It is in this moment that the Dragon Kisses the Serpent by eating its own tail.
We will support your inner serpent to eat its own tail, uniting the feminine and masculine principle, heaven and earth as well as light and dark within you through the heart chakra.
This is a call to end any conflicts, resistance or aspects of yourself that sabotage your dreams goals and desires.
In this Online Zoom call, we will plant new seeds for 2025 and open up to highest timelines and realities for ourselves in 2025 being supported by the Serpent Mother Sophia.
Date: Wed the 29th of January 2025
Place: Zoom Online
Time: 7-9 pm GMT
Energy exchange R320
International: $22
Energetic Reset
Intensive Transformational Medicine Journey
Im offering in person 2025 Vibrational reset ceremonies to support your body to vibrationally hold your focus & vision for 2025. Our biggest challenge is always to energetically hold what it is that we desire and our soul purpose.
The more toxins, fears & negative belief systems we carry in our mind, body and soul, the less room there is to embody more light, our higher consciousness, neutrality, cent-redness & sacred responsibility. You will not be able to receive more if you energetically cannot hold more.
This process begins with a cleansing medicinal plant steam & other subtle medicines that clears and purifies your energy, unplugs you from the matrix & mass consciousness fears, helps to detox body, mind and emotions and gives energetic protection.
There will be drumming, channeled healing and cleansing songs while you take in the medicinal steam. This is then followed by a very relaxing, gentle, de-stressing etheric body alignment & energy healing that utilises the subtle medicines. We end the session with a sacred embodiment, anchoring & intension setting session to call in your dreams and visions for 2025.
You will leave with a 21 day vibrational reset diet and herbs to support the detox and anchoring the new energetics that will upgrade & recalibrate your mind body and soul for what it is you are birthing in 2025.
Duration: 3 hours
Cost: R2 888 ( Includes integrative herbal teas & 21 day diet guide)
Weekend Intensive Integrative Plant Medicine Luxury Experiences are also available. This is a VIP Goddess African Shamanic medicinal cleansing journey is a uniquely catered luxury experience to embrace the Love Codes of Gaia and fully gift to yourself what you truly desire, need and deserve.
This Month of Love: Experience the Dance of The Serpent
Through a Transformative Plant Medicine Journey
In celebration of valentines days and the month of love, experience plant medicine shamanic Serpent Dance to invoke the raw wild primordial power of the divine feminine.
This Dance awakens the Serpent wisdom of Sophia & unlocks your Shakti power. The indigenous cultures such as the bushmen of the Kalahari knew how to appease the spirit and magical properties of the Divine mother, Shakti.
The Serpent dance is a reflection of their harmonious existence with all of life activating the most ancient divine intelligence, the medicine of Shakti, deep within their pelvis; to heal themselves, their community and to purify the womb space.
This ecstatic dance with the divine awakens us to love. It supports us to grow through learning how to forgive ourselves, our past and to begin the journey of claiming our bodies, our desires and taking responsibility for our joy and how we express ourselves in the world.